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I just finished playing the game and obtained all the routes! It's such a fun game with great graphics and drawing! I recommend you playing this game if you like a tint of a short psychological horror gam

Thanks a lot!

(1 edit) (+2)

I've obtained all 3 endings!! The art is amazing!!

I was on constant stress like the character when having conversations with young Sato, feeling like I have things to hide yet want to share. 

I have got the B and C first so I expected A to be the best, well it was for that extra scene. I was shocked to be honest. 

The overall experience was great, I enjoyed every bit of the story. The pace was not too slow or too fast, love it because it is perfect to take in the informations. 

Some minor flaws were the trees near the forest opening to the statue of the tanuki(?) lost their trunk in some scene. When I saw that was the scene I was supposed to go back to the house after visiting the shrine to find young Sato and obtained the porcelain shard. I wandered down there before going to my home and noticed it.

Thanks a lot for your feedback. We're glad you liked the game that much!
The problem with the trees is a strange one. We have no idea how this could happen. We'll have a look at it. Thanks for reporting it!

This game is really good, i like the art and a whole story. I made the gameplay on Youtube, you can watch if you want.

Thank you!




Thank you!


This game is amazing, I just finished all the three endings and I'm speechless. Definitely became one of my favourites and will always be. The art is so pretty to look at too

Thank you so much for playing and for your feedback! It's so motivating!


THIS TOWN NEEDS MORE PEOPLE BRUH....can't wait to play the other half


Thanks for the video!


Really cute animation and visuals, sadly the story was a tad too boring and took too long for anything to happen for my taste. 

Sorry about that. It's difficult to find the right pace. Too fast or too slow... we'll do our best to reach a better balance next time!


Absolutely loved this game! The art, the sound design, the story! Can't wait to play the other games y'all created as well.  Excellent job!

Thanks a lot for your kind words!

I loved this game. Didn't realise it existed for a while. Interesting story, creepy music and in fact it has replayability as there are multiple endings. I made a 5 part series on it. (Sorry for the bad audio it only happens in the first part mostly.) I really enjoyed it!

Thanks for the video! We're glad you liked the game!


This game was great! The art work is amazing and the story was intriguing and disturbing (in a good way). Love it!

Thank you so much for your kind words!

This game is really amazing I definitely wasn't expecting the endings - if you are interested in games like Doll Shop my friend & I play a bunch on indie horrors on our youtube channel.

Feel free to check out us play The Doll Shop below!


Thank you for the video!


Waouh! congratulations!!

Thank you!


I absolutely loved this game. I’ve managed to get through the game on the first pass, but am going to have another go and get the other endings. I can’t wait to see what happens. The art style is beautiful and the care and attention that has gone into this really shows. It’s amazing! The audio… beautiful. The narrative… excellent. The story overall is fantastically through tout and I wasn’t expecting the ending. Simply superb! I can’t wait to see what else this game has to offer. This game certainly deserves more praise. 

Here is the second video I did for the first play through... more to follow! I cannot wait to see what happens next! 

Last video… promise! I’ve managed to get the alternative endings for the game, but wasn’t sure how to validate the ending to get the bonus content. 🤔 As per my previous comments, I loved this game! I wanted to plays some of your others on the Mac, but unfortunately it looks like they need updating to allow them to run. 

That's strange... When you collect all endings, a last scene should launch after the credits.
And sorry, I didn't know Mac games needed to be updated to continue running. We only have Windows computers so we cannot test our Mac builds and don't even know how or if they work...

Thanks a lot for the videos and for your feedback. Your kind words motivate us to work on more games like this one!


The pleasure is all mine. It’s an amazing game and you must be immensely proud of what you and your team have created. I can’t wait to play more of your games in the future. 


To start, the art is beyond beautiful. The  backgrounds, characters, and the village are stunning, and I can't believe they were all created by hand. Give these students a huge pat on the back for a job well done. 

Regarding the story, I love it. It's a perfect blend of a dark, gritty, and intriguing. I unlocked ending A, and I can't wait to replay and see the other ends, too. 5/5!

Thanks a lot for your kind words. The student made a great job indeed and we're glad you enjoyed this game!


I just finished the game, the background paitings are really nice. The story is definitely not my piece of cake, therefore I won't be playing this once again, as it's too creepy and too disgusting to me. Either way I thank you for your hard work and wish you success in developing future titles!

Sorry for the discomfort but thanks for your kind words about the art and encouragement.


This game was equal parts (visually) beautiful and (story-wise) disturbing. I loved the art style and the deeper meanings behind certain aspects such as the butterflies and the darkened NPCs. Short but enjoyable through and through!

// spoilers ahead //

I caught onto the twist of the game early on and pretty soon I started choosing my options in favor of the escape LOL. The butterfly metaphor stood out to me the most because it immediately reminded me of the book The Collector by John Fowles! Overall it was fun to play and the multiple endings + bonus content provide great replay value c: 

Thanks a lot for your feedback! The way you played the game (anticipating the ending and trying to influence it) is an interesting way to play! We're glad this worked for you! Thanks for playing the game!


A beautiful twist I must say!

Thanks a lot!


Well what a twist indeed. But I liked the game, especially the art style that it's hand drawn


Thank you!


The artwork is really beautiful and the atmosphere is eerie, I played it several times. Can't wait to play more of your wonderful games!


Thanks a lot!!!


I've replayed, it's a beautiful gae and an interesting story. Thnak you for your work. One of the best games on itchio for sure. 

You’re very welcome!


I love this game so much, it’s been about a year since I first played it and I keep coming back. I can’t remember if he has a name though

No, the protagonist has no name so you can be him, hehe ;)
Thanks a lot for the kind words!


I haven't played the game fully yet, but from what I've seen and remember, I love the environment and atmosphere. All drawn? If so, that's impressive. No need for detailed art to create a unique, beautiful game. I'm assuming that once I finish I'd want to see more of the world in that style; it's going to be too short for me. How far is the Coral Cave into development? Where can I get updates about it? :)

Thank you for your kind words! We’re working on The Coral Cave and on various comic books at the same time so it takes time, sorry! Meanwhile you can follow us on twitter or Instagram where we’re most likely to post updates in the future.


honestly, i could only dream of having art skills as god-tier as you guys have demonstrated in this game. and the story line???? words can't even describe how terrified i was throughout the game, and yet it kept my attention that when i looked up, it was 2am and i had school so i had to get to bed. 

10/10, well and truly shook


Thank you very much for your kind words! We're so glad you liked the game so much. It motivates us to work on more projects like this one!


I like this unusual combination of 2D and 3D, when objects on the map themselves are flat, but there is depth, you can go behind them, you can go around them. I don't remember ever playing visual novels or quests with such approach.

Thank you! We had fun experimenting with that technique.


I loved it.
Thanks a lot for creating this..
Best game so far on Itch

Thank you so much! It means a lot to us!




こんにちは、全然いいです。私たちのゲームでYouTube のゲームプレイ動画をしてくれたら嬉しいです。ありがとうございます😊

(+1) i LOVED this game sooo much, it was so interesting, the story is just incredible, and the art style is amazing. so beautiful <3

Thank you so much for the feedback!


I first played this game 4 months ago, and it remains, I think, my all-time favorite game I've played on itch at this point. 


Thanks a lot for your feedback! It's very rewarding and encourage us to create more games like this.

(1 edit)

Of course. I have played most of your other games as well -- I have to say, I love the style and types of stories your studio makes overall. This one is absolutely my favorite though, I'm not even sure if I could fully say why. The tone is just incredible, the protagonist's appearance and personality work perfectly. It's eerie from the start, even though you don't know why, and the endings are haunting in the most delicious way. I also loved the detail and focus spent on the artistry of the dollmaking.

Spoilers-ish ahead:
Possibly my favorite part are the mysterious cracked doll-face portions we begin to find. I immediately noticed, or had an idea of who it resembled, even though I didn't know where that would go. But just with the already established odd personality of the character, and at least how he seems to have some reclusive/attachment issues,  it already felt a bit eerie, even though everything was still unclear. The fact that these were clearly pieces of a doll's face, but there's no doll we have that it comes from? Spooky. The payoff for those pieces was just immaculate, and I ADORE that the symbolism was kept throughout that scene. It was beautiful and horrible, and I couldn't help but imagine what was REALLY in front of the protagonist's eyes at that point (rather than what he "saw"). 

The last thing I'll say is, I also really liked how ambiguous the protagonist was throughout the story. By being a reclusive single man who makes dolls, it's like he already was supposed to be creepy, but he actually wasn't. And through the dialogues, (ignoring that this factor of his personality is kind of decided by what the player chooses) he comes off quite self-aware, but maybe just a bit quirky. I really liked that fact; the fact that he was very understated and honestly, it really was unclear what was "going on", what was sinister, or who/what the "sinister" force was at first. In fact, from the way the game was made, I was really unsure of if the protagonist was "good or bad" for most of the game -- Because it seemed like he was probably SUPPOSED to be creepy, but also, he hasn't done anything and am I just predicting that because it would be "obvious"? Would it be TOO obvious, and they're just trying to make me think something is wrong with him simply because he's reclusive?  Is the twist that he's normal, or is the twist that he isn't? I really was teetering back and forth on that edge for most of the game, and I love that. 

Overall, I would absolutely love more creepy and narrative games like this from your studio. I honestly adored it!


Absolutely loved the game, the art is super interesting and yet simple, I love the fact it's painted, it made me appreciate the game a lot more.

Spoilers ahead:

I absolutely loved how the story ending was chosen depending on your choices, the story itself caught me off guard  as I expected the little girl was the doll but I expected way different endings, I super super enjoyed this game and I cannot wait to play the other games! 

Thank you!
We had a lot of fun writing this story so we're glad you enjoyed it.


This game was beautiful. Even though one of my suspions were correct, my other one was way off. The twist was very interesting and the imagery was beautiful.


Thanks a lot for your feedback!


beautiful game , you could make an android version and release the game on google play store and reach more people. good luck.

We wanted to do that and started with one of our early games but google play changed its settings many times and we had to keep updating the game to conform to their guidelines. In the end they deleted our game without any real reason and it kind of discouraged us. We'll have to give it another try, one day.


I really enjoyed the game and the art. I hope to see more games from you guys! I also made a video.

Thanks a lot for the video!

the game looks amazing and i want to play it! i tried downloading it on my mac and it says it can't open the application? can someone please explain how i can play this??


If it's because the application is from an unidentified developer, try opening System Preferences, going to the "Security & Privacy" panel, and opening the game from there.

Thanks a lot for the help!

Sorry, we don't have a mac so the mac version of the game has been released untested. We hope you could solve your problem and play the game.


Vous avez créé un super jeu, l'histoire fait très "hitchcockienne", les dessins sont sublimes,
la musique est très jolie (même si un peu répétitive).
C'est un jeu très inspirant! :)

Je parle francais mauvais. J'aprends. J'aime le  jeu ausi. Le musiqe est tres gros. Musiqe>jue de gros.

Still an  awesome game  though.

Merci beaucoup! On a pris beaucoup de plaisir à créer ce jeu. On aurait aimé passer plus de temps à composer de nouveaux morceaux pour la musique mais on a fait ce qu'on a pu.


I've just got all the endings! I loved the art behind and this art was done in 3 days? That's crazy and amazing!

Thank you!


Such a lovely yet horrific game! ^^ I got all endings and would play again 10/10 

Thanks a lot for playing!

(1 edit)

Can you possibly bring this masterpiece to Steam platform?


Not right now since it's quite complicated and expensive to bring a game to Steam but, who knows, maybe in the future?


This game is so chill and I’m looking forward to you making more!

We will! Thank you!


The game is just awesome.....i loved it. i really appriciate work on this game also great point is its free. thanks again


You're very welcome!


OMG!   You replied  oWO

(1 edit)

wow. the art is beautiful and i really am introgued by the concept. I only downloaded it nw and I really ca;t wait until I have more to say. Beautiful game.  Hats off to you for all the work that goes into this. It's a labour of love and I love such games. 

Thank you for all the kind words!

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