Amazing game with a very nice, haunting story... though I did find what appears to be a bug:
On the third day if you go from the grocery store back to your home instead of the ramen shop to eat you can't leave your home (it's too late to go out), nor can you do anything in your home... or maybe missed something?
Unfortunately it was a bug indeed. The problem is now fixed but we're so sorry it prevented you from finishing the game. Thanks for spotting the bug. We're glad you liked the game after all.
Après l'achat du pigment blanc, si l'on repasse par chez soi plutôt que de se rendre directement au RDV(au ramen-ya), on ne peut plus ressortir >< "il est trop tard pour sortir" Il faut recommencer une partie... heureusement ce n'est pas trop avancé, ça se refera assez vite.
Bug pas nécessairement malvenu, dans un sens... :)
C'était une expérience intéressante. Pas évident comme récit, et l'ensemble fonctionne plutôt bien; le personnage principal est réussi et l'atmosphère bien rendue, belle patte graphique et musicale. Entre apaisement et ...autre.
Thanks for playing! We're so glad you liked it! There's far too much text in this game so we probably won't add new translations but thanks a lot for the offer! We really appreciate!
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This game is great so far! I love that you are able to physically move around and inspect things instead of just reading and progressing. Good job!
We wanted to mix point-and-click adventure with visual novel. We're glad you liked it!
And thanks for the video!
Amazing game with a very nice, haunting story... though I did find what appears to be a bug:
On the third day if you go from the grocery store back to your home instead of the ramen shop to eat you can't leave your home (it's too late to go out), nor can you do anything in your home... or maybe missed something?
Unfortunately it was a bug indeed. The problem is now fixed but we're so sorry it prevented you from finishing the game.
Thanks for spotting the bug. We're glad you liked the game after all.
It's amazing as always. You're my favorite game creators. I just can't stand the wait for the Coral Cave.
Waow, thank you so much for your kind words! It's so motivating!!!
Really great game. Amazing art. The story gets better per video!
Thanks a lot for playing it! We're glad you enjoy it!
An interesting game. Amazing artwork.
watch video here:
Thanks a lot for the video!
Après l'achat du pigment blanc, si l'on repasse par chez soi plutôt que de se rendre directement au RDV(au ramen-ya), on ne peut plus ressortir ><
"il est trop tard pour sortir"
Il faut recommencer une partie... heureusement ce n'est pas trop avancé, ça se refera assez vite.
Sinon c'est joli :)
Aïe, ça ressemble à un bug, ça ! Désolé !
On va corriger ça, merci de nous avoir prévenu.
Bug pas nécessairement malvenu, dans un sens... :)
C'était une expérience intéressante. Pas évident comme récit, et l'ensemble fonctionne plutôt bien; le personnage principal est réussi et l'atmosphère bien rendue, belle patte graphique et musicale. Entre apaisement et ...autre.
Merci !
Merci beaucoup pour le retour (et pour avoir eu le courage de tout recommencer) : on est contents que ça t'ait plu !
That was legit creepy & also really beautiful. Great work! :)
Thanks a lot for playing, Rick!
Great work! I had to find the bonus. :)
Thanks again for playing!
Exquisitely beautiful game! Atmosphere is amazing! Great job by everyone involved!
Thank you so much for your kind words!
Can't seem to get past the butterflies, there are 9 slots but 8 butterflies and no way to exit the desk.
Just click on the empty slot: the protagonist will comment it and the story will continue.
Wow, for some reason I never did that. I might've clicked on it with the tweezers or a pin or something. Thanks!
Hey, what a great job~! I cleared every endings and collected 5 posters. So scary and beautiful at the same time.
When you need Korean translation, please feel free to contact me!
Thanks for playing! We're so glad you liked it!
There's far too much text in this game so we probably won't add new translations but thanks a lot for the offer!
We really appreciate!