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(1 edit) (+1)

A classic important to history! Enough said


Oh boy oh boy this was a trip and a half in the best possible way and the art direction was absolutely stunning! Highly recommend

This was unsettling but so beautiful!!! Like the desolate, ice-covered small Japanese town in this game!! 

Very good game, wonderful atmosphere and sound design, beautiful graphics. Haunting and melancholy.


I loved this story. It definitely would've taken a long time doing this because wow, that was so much more than I expected. 3 endings??

Spoiler from here but I certainly wonder how he was just able to break that girl. Thank god she escaped in one of the endings, I swear I'd never want her suffering. Also, he drags her mother in one of the endings?? What?? What about his source of income?? He's truly insane I guess.

i loved playing this game it was sooooo fun and i got all the endings without having to look it up which is what i usually have to do

What a lovely game! The art is incredible, such a good job. And the ending oh my. 

Абсолютно невероятная стилистика, мне очень понравилось. На все концовки вышла довольно быстро (первой попалась C, потом, соответственно, B, и позже вышла на A), прохождение несколько рутинное из-за того, что сложно попасть мышкой во время работы с куклами на определённые элементы (трещины, к примеру, было адски тяжело стирать). Немного разочаровалась, что мы не узнали предысторию именно пропавшей девочки - о ней рассказали лишь отрывочно, мы поняли, что именно главный герой убил её и сделал своей "дочерью", но как он её нашёл, что случилось - мы так и не знаем, занавес остаётся закрыт.

Работа прекрасная! Удачи художникам и разработчикам в будущем!


really beautiful style and the atmosphere was great, i felt so unsettled throughout and the hinting at the truth and the indications that you pick up on when playing it again... so dark and so good


this game is amazing!!


Dam you with this game. C ending didn't let me sleep for 2 nights. It was Darkkkkk. I wish I could hold mouse to walk not just click spaming. At last very good game


absolutely amazing, beautiful artwork and investing storyline, you can tell the people who worked on this are really passionate


Beautiful graphics, creepy storline. I loved how there were multiple endings - I got A and B and will play again to get ending C. Scenario A starts at  0:15 Scenario B starts at 57:26. Play this for scenario C and let me know what happens! :)

Loved this game :) great storytelling and art!

okey i will follow you deserved it and well done don t stop doing this great things and fullfillinf your dreams

Played this game about 10 days ago and loved it. You should totally make more games like this.

Hey guys i've made a 40 minute long explanation video on your game including my theory! It was tough for me to piece the puzzle as the further i dig the more confusing things were so hopefully i've made one that makes sense! I would love it if you guys and my viewers let me know what you think of the video!


One of the best games I've ever played on here. Absolutely chilling, I loved it!

(1 edit) (+1)

played the game 2 weeks ago and it is just amazing the story was just perfect

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The story was really enthralling and capturing. The art style made it feel that much more like a story being told or something one would read in like a coloured book while still holding the feeling of the intriguing and mysterious atmosphere. Was  an amazing experience to go through!

excellent game

An amazingly eerie game with a charming art style. I love short horror stories that play with your expectations like this.


Hello, I am 10 and this game was so amazing. My largest Hobbie is lore and this game's lore is so deep and I think this game's lore will be my next project! Plus that art was amazing and it reminded me of me, my siblings, and my mom's love for Japan and china!

(2 edits)

I loved the game! The art is breathtaking and the whole atmosphere of the village is so creepy. Didn't expect endig B.

The only problem/bug/?? I found was in the bonus content:



Clicking on "Coral Cove" doesn't send you to the game page but to a gambling site called "The Coral Cave" ( lol

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